Webster's history timeline
XEROX: Chester Carlson's unduplicated success
The Ground Round: a distinctly Rochester take on the hamburger.
Historic Properties
Details on the Webster Historical Society's Historic Homes project
Webster residents serving during the Civil War
Webster residents serving during World War I
Webster residents lost while serving during World War II
Where Life is Worth Living
Photos of Webster from many years ago and from just the other day.
Visual Histories
Webster Residents sharing their experiences through Video.
Highlights in the evolution of film.
Audio Histories
Resources for historical or genealogy research.
The Penny Farthing Newsletter:
October 2024
November 2024.
Books of Local Interest
Webster History
1669 | Robert LaSalle, French general and explorer, arrived at east side of Irondequoit Bay. |
1687 | Marquis de Denonville came to Irondequoit Bay to start his famous march into Seneca territory. |
1741 | Seneca Indians deeded a 20 mile wide stretch of land which included Webster Park to the British. |
1756 | Sir William Johnson camped on Webster's shore enroute from Schenectady and Oswego to Fort Niagara. |
1778 | The Phelps and Gorham purchase of six million acres from Massachusetts included Webster. |
1790 | Land was set aside at West Webster for a cemetery which has been in continuous use. |
1805 | Caleb Lyon settled at Lyon's Point, present Nine Mile Point. |
1806 | A grist mill and sawmill were built on Four Mile Creek near Lake Road. Abram Foster settled at Lyon's Point. |
1810 | Town of Penfield was organized. |
1812 | Letts' Tavern, the first inn, was built at corner of State and Webster-Fairport Roads. A running battle between American and British ships was observed in the Webster Park - Nine Mile Point area (9/11/1813). |
1814 | Methodism was recorded as growing in North Penfield (Webster). |
1816 | The year was known as the "cold summer." Frost was recorded every month except July. Mulberry growing for silkworm industry was attempted. |
1818 | A stagecoach route was established between Rochesterville and Oswego. The post office on Ridge Road West was opened. |
1825 | Webster Rural Cemetery was organized. A Congregational Society was started by Reverend Asa Carpenter. The milling industry was at its height . |
1829 | The Congregational Society became the Presbyterian Society. |
1830 | The first brick store was built in Webster Village . Buttermilk Tavern and a brick store were built at corner of Ridge and Five Mile Line Roads. |
1831 | The Presbyterians erected a small edifice on South Avenue, the first church within Webster boundaries. |
1832 | The first Baptist church was constructed on South Avenue. A Methodist church was built on Ridge Road, which became known as the "old" or "center church" . |
1835 | John Whiting built an elaborate house on Lake Road. the south portion of the Webster Park pavilion is part of the original building. |
1840 | Webster becomes a seperate town from Penfield. Byron Woodhull was elected the first supervisor. |
1844 | The Universalist church was built of cobblestones on West Main Street. |
1845 | Burnett brickyard was started on Lake Road. |
1849 | The "Boston" church was erected on the Town Line Road - the second Methodist church. |
1850 | A town pump in the center of the four corners of the village furnished water for many families and travelers. |
1851 | The Union Cemetery was laid out on the Webster-Nine Mile Point Road. |
1855 | The Baptist congregation removed the original building on South Avenue and erected the present one of cobblestones. |
1860 | The first Evangelical church was erected on Salt Road. Mississaugas Indians left the West Webster area and returned to Canada. |
1861 | Holy Trinity church was erected on Ridge Road. |
1865 | The first post office was started in Union Hill. |
1867 | A bridge was built across the outlet of Irondequoit Bay to complete the road across the sandbar. |
1868 | The first Lutheran church was erected at the corner of Ridge and Five Mile Line Roads. |
1875 | Episcopal services were held in the schoolhouse near Nine Mile Point. The Lake Ontario Shore Railroad was started and sold to the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg Railroad. |
1878 | First baseball team of Webster was organized. |
1880 | Webster Grange was organized and the members held a picnic at Drake's Landing, present Glen Edith. |
1881 | First town library was started in a private home. |
1888 | The first newspaper of Webster, Webster Star, was established. The community of Forest Lawn was begun. The cornerstone of the Immanuel Lutheran church was laid. |
1890 | Bicycles appeared in town. |
1891 | The Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg Railroad was leased to the New York Central and Hudson Railroad. |
1893 | Town pumb was removed from the center of the four corners in the village. |
1899 | Dr. James E. Smith became Webster's first veterinarian. The Webster Herald, Webster's present paper, was established. Grange Hall was built on East Main Street. |
Timeline continued 1900-
18 Lapham Park Webster, New York 14580 585.265.3308