Thursday, March 29 The Doctor (Foster) thinks Charles Mottler has scarlet fever and Letchy (Lester) too. Mother is giving me sulfur and Maple Syrup. Laura Burnett has been staying with Edith Dunn for 3 days. Julia Robb was married to George Johnson this afternoon and left for Ithaca. It was a thunder bolt. Miss Post was down before supper. We have vacation next week! Joy! I would like to be a Camp Fire Girl. Earl and Hazel spent the evening with us.
Friday, March 30 I can do many things a Camp Fire Girl has to do to earn “Knots”. I can sew, cook, mend, paddle, clean, swim, ride, art. Charles has not got Scarlet Fever. Papa went away to-night. Rose Perin (dress maker) and Marjory were over to-night. Teddy Walpuski has an auto and M.R. (?______) or something. The last day of school for a whole glorious week. Oh, the joy to be a boy! But a girl is a pearl. Henry gave us some fish.
Saturday, March 31 I did not bake to-day. Mamma baked cakes. Marjory and I were going to the woods this afternoon, but she had to be fitted by Rose. I raked up the yard this afternoon. There were about 8 autos down at the lake to-day. Mamma said that the Rochester Club had held a meeting last night and were looking at our place for they want to rent it. Earl and Hazel went to the city. Papa went to Shaw’s. We had a thunder shower to-night. Carol and Helen are out and Carol, Clarence and Henry went fishing.
Sunday, April 1 I wore a cotton under suit, princess slip and my Middy blouse. Our barn burned! April Fool! Ha! Ha! After luncheon I walked down to Earl’s and when I came back Wrights were at the farm and told me the Sampson’s were coming out again! Wasn’t I mad? I hurried home and have been mad ever since. (Oh, I wish it were not so) Mother broke her glasses.
Monday, April 2 O, dismal day! It rained this morning. Rudolph Pruitt is going to start in school next Monday! It rained a very little (but hard) about 4 o’clock. After dinner I raked the side yard (east). We (Mother and I) went to the store. Mamma went to aunt Jen’s. Earl was down for the Sprayer (to saw wood). I think I mentioned before Vera Short had a little daughter, Mabel Leona. No school! What fun will I have when the sun shines.
Tuesday, April 3 I made a Johnny Cake this morning. After dinner I ironed and then raked. I went out to feed Flyer some oats and I saw two snow white doves eating wheat. Papa’s horse did not arrive in Rochester. People around here went fishing. Harold Foster has gone to Ithaca to work.
Wednesday, April 4 Sampson’s moved out this afternoon. The boys have an auto t go back and forth in. I raked up the yard. Hazel went to the city with Everett and Edith. I went down there. My Ideal Home is: A small farm with a beautiful small house. An orchard in which is grown wheat or something, a large barn with three horses and a cow, some chickens and other pets, besides a beautiful dog and cat. I will be an authoress and an artist and a singer so I can keep this home. An auto too.