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John O'Dell's Diary
Johnny Strowger
Bessie Cowles
Irva Wright

Thursday April 12       Brazil, Peru and another South American country have declared war against Germany.  Walter Dunn has joined the Motorcycle Corps and his mother is about frantic!  Auntie Eldred’s funeral took place this afternoon and I skipped school and went.  Miss Post said I could.  Orville Woodhull was down and bought some potatoes $2.65.  It was very cold.  (        ) came into the dining room tonight.  Fay Wright was down for fathers stove pipe.

Friday, April 13          Mildred and Marjorie are sick.  To-day is bird day.  Father has five baby pigs.  The cutest things you ever saw and one black and white.  One which I would like to raise.      I was going over to Grace’s this afternoon but she was at Marjory’s.  We are going to get 100 lbs of sugar and tea.  I guess because of the war.  Doesn’t just the work sound funny?  I have never seen a man killed or faint in my life, nor heard a cannon.  But I would like to go the front.

Saturday, April 14      Earl and father sprayed today.  Gloomy and cold.  Went to a mock trial tonight.

Sunday, April 15         Father went to Buffalo.  It showed.  Earl and Hazel , mother and I went to the Cantata at he Baptist church this afternoon, after which we went to Walt Sprague’s after some potatoes.  We purchased 40 bushels for Papa and 15 for Earl at $2.75 a bushel.  That would be $51.25 Whew!  We came back and had some refreshments at
Papantus’ Candy Kitchen which is more often called the Greeks.  We came home and I am going to bed at 8 o’clock.

Monday, April 16       My alarm clock went off at 5:15 and I got up.  Mother doesn’t feel well.  Miss Post went home this noon with a sick headache.  Teddy Walpuski taught school this afternoon and brought us home.

Tuesday, April 17       Miss Post came to school.  This afternoon we went to the woods.  Milldew was my partner and I did get many May flowers which the boys and girls gave me.  They always do give me things like that and the boys gave me all their bad.  Mildred rode her wheel.  Papa came home with the most beautiful dapple gray I ever did see.  He has the two most beautiful horses in town, chestnut and gray.  The gray and I were friends at sight.  I am going to plant a garden.

Wednesday, April 18  The weather overcast.  The thermometer changeable.  Miss Gunther was at Dist. No. 9 today.  I walked down to Earl’s after school.  Mildred and Margaret drove Jack.  Mamma went to the city.  Papa sold the gray!  Boo! Hoo!  Hazel was sick in bed with a sock headache.  Jerry and Watch and I had a good romp through the peach orchard.  Laura had her foot ball to school.  We sod an army horse.  One which had been in the Mexican War.

Thursday, April 19      We had to learn a poem of nine verses.  I learned it in seven minutes.  I have my corset cover all but done.  Oh! “The Crises” is at the Piccadilly and I want to see it very much.  My garden is all planned.  It is going to consist of vegetables and flowers.  The way I have everything planned, I had ought to earn about $130.00.  Maybe I won’t do anything.  It was a very warm day.

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