Wednesday July 25 It was a hot day. We walked down to the Point fir thing this morning. About 10:30 we all went swimming. The girls Grace, Marjory and Norma were angry with us but_______. We went to Red Cross after dinner. We did our hair up high and put on sport hats, used canes and walked down to the lake. Now we are ready for bed.
Thursday July, 26 We went in swimming, read and walked. It was warm.
Friday, July 27 We walked down to the cottages. The Boy Scouts came. We walked home and went down again with out lunch. In the afternoon we went swimming. Mamma watched us. We did our curls. Norene is visiting Mary Cliora.
Saturday, July 28 The B S came up for milk and ice. We went swimming on the east side this afternoon. I did my hair up in curls. We went to the dance. Mr. Wallace is stuck on Elizabeth Hill. We went to bed at 12:15.
Sunday July 29 We got up at 6:15 this morning. We went in swimming, to church and back then to the lake. Linn Bowman took us down. We walked to Hazel’s. We walked down the land and met 4 B.S.
Monday, July 30 We told stories in bed last night. It was very warm on the west side. We went to ( ? ). We dressed up in sport Clothes and wore Panama hats and carried canes this afternoon. We went for a tramp. East, south and North there were B.S. We went to a surprise party for Grace.
Tuesday, July 31 We got up early. We went in swimming after dinner. The ( ? )were in too. After dinner we walked down to the cottage. They went to Strucks. Then Marj and I took our lessons and the girls went home. One of the B.S. were in the swing when we came home. He asked me if I helped milk and feed the chickens. I’m afraid he
( ? ).
Wednesday, August 1 It was very warm. This is the warmest summer we have had in years. The thermometer (ours) reached 98 in the shade. We went in swimming. Elizabeth lost her watch. The B.S. were in too. We didn’t go to Red Cross. Grace and I walked down to the lake this afternoon. Roy, Papa, grace amd I rode to Sea Breeze. Grace and I rode on the merry go round.
Thursday, August 2 I arose at 6 and rode “Ben Hur”, dads new horse (a gray) down to Earl’s. Stanley Helmer wanted to rent a horse of father but he couldn’t. Grace, Marj and I went in swimming. Stanley Helmer asked me to go to a party at ( ? ) Stevenson’s this afternoon and Herold Schaff asked Grace. But we could not. Our parents wouldn’t let us. I was with Grace this aft.