Thursday, February 22 Vacation today. Washington’s Birthday.
Friday, February 23 Nothing worth telling about. Hazel was down. It rained. I went to Burnett’s and got my book.
Saturday, February 24 Please excuse bad writing (before and now) Tried to skate to-day Ha ! Ha! Terrible. War undecided. What I want at this time. Saddle, revolver, Wrist watch, rifle, book case, 4 books, horse, boat, tennis court, good skates. Clarence Foster is 22 years old today. Fine day. Snowed at dusk. Nothing new. Started a corset cover yoke. Suffrage – woman suffrage is now allowed. If we go to war I’ll be ambulance dr.
Sunday, February 25 Nothing. Jack London, novelist, is dead.
Monday, February 26 Fine weather
Tuesday, February 27 Freezing
Wednesday, February 28 Thawing
Thursday, March 1 Beautiful weather
Friday, March 2 We went to Webster this morning (for I skipped school) in a wagon from there to the city. I saw Ben Hur. It was great, but not my style. 350 actors, 20 horses. Scenery was beautiful. We stayed at the Chapman House and I do not remember eating such a hearty supper for years. We saw Alice Joyce and Mrs. Vernon Castle in “Patria” at the Piccadilly. Great place.
Saturday, March 3 Father went to Buffalo at 8. Mother and I shopped. Went to Grange in the afternoon. Rained. Staid to social evening and dance. Saw Julia M. looking fine. Came home with Earl.
Sunday, March 4 Awful lonesome day. Snowed mostly. No, it was bitter cold.
Monday, March 5 Went to school. Walpuskie’s place is advertised. Had arithmetic test. Snowed
Tuesday, March 6 Now I will surely keep my resolution and write so one can read my writing. No-No one will ever look at this I am sure. It is not exciting. We were going to Aunt Dice Wrights tonight surprise party – but we didn’t and I was sad, awfully sorry and angry, for if I had known it I could have brought some thing home to do. Never mind. Gladys Short - Pug- for short – laughed so hard in class to-day that we laughed too. She said “He went away and looked for all the world like a bulldog “ so I called Gladys Short “Bully”. Edith Dunn nearly “split”” The weather was fine. Yesterday I received my report card - all A’s.