Tuesday, July 10 I am twelve years old to-day. This morning I went down to Earls then I washed the yellow running gear. Mary and I had music at ( ? ) and Susey’s this afternoon. Lib was down. She gave me an apron and a needle case. Mother gave me a tie.
Wednesday, July 11 I went to Red Cross this afternoon. It rained after we came home. Mother is bad.
Thursday, July 12 I rode to Webster with Earl and Hazel and had a lesson in motoring. It rained some. Our berries are being eaten up and people are starving in Europe. It is a bad year. Germany is playing out. A woman prophesied “that Kaiser will be dead and the war stopped by November 1st”.
Friday, July 13 It was a very warm day. I rode up to Webster with Dad this morning. I worked in the garden this afternoon. Miss Roger’s 3 hired men go by here morning and night in her Ford. It rained this evening. Papa and I went over to the store after supper. The McGee’s were there. Mother’s foot is bad – inflamatory rheumatism.
Saturday, July 14 It rained after dinner but stopped soon. Shaw’s and Ferber’s were over for supper. We went to the dance. Margaret danced with Norman Foster. She gave him her rose. Vincent Wallace was there. Ray Smith, Mr. McGee, Teddy Chorle and others. Edward Lauer, Ray S. The music was horrid. It was Muddy. Mary, Clorene, Helen ( ? ) have gone to Ithaca. I danced with Grace.
Sunday, July 15 I went over to Grace’s and borrowed a couple of books. She and I went to church this morning. I read this afternoon. I went down to the lake before supper. Norma and Aunt Dell were over for a little while after supper. It said in the paper the some Ease Rochester folks saw a flag in the clouds, red, white and blue and before a dagger. Claude Harman has joined the Navy. Russia’s beating the Germans to pieces.
Monday, July 16 It was a lovely day. I went butterfly hunting this morning but was unsuccessful because my net was no good. I sowed a few beans but it is too late. I doubt whether they will come. I read and laid the hammock this afternoon. My roses are in blossom and so are my pansies and corn flowers. My poppies are budding. We purchased the last of Mr. Brown’s heifers. We are fighting with 2 ( ? )
Tuesday, July 17 I picked red roses (cabbage roses) this morning and put a bouquet in every room, The ramblers are in blossom and the La France are oh, so beautiful. I am crocheting a tam and knitting mittens and a scarf for next winter. The Lowell girls are coming out next week. Mary and I didn’t take our music lesson. Austria wants peace. It rained. After supper I went over the Grace’s and got a book.