Thursday, April 5 It rained. I cleaned off my pony or mare, Flyer, this morning. Daddy has a sick horse, a chestnut. Doc. Smith was down to-night. Fred Sampson purchased a bushel of potatoes. We are at war with Germany! Lettie Foster has joined the Red Cross! I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands. One nation indivisible and with justice and liberty for all!
Friday, April 6 It snowed last night. Harry sowed Papa’s grasses yesterday before the rain came. Too bad Earl’s wasn’t sowed too. Marjory came out last night. They have vacation also. My room was very cold this morning. Father brought a little Shetland pony about as large as Watch and sold him in Rochester. Mr. Fred London has rented the Hotel again this year. Teddy was down after dinner. Mother and father disputed last night about Earl and Hazel (they do every night). I see it as who must keep the peace between these four?
Saturday, April 7 Dear Daddy went to the city last night with a load. I arose at six. “After breakfast work a while, After dinner rest awhile, After supper walk a mile.” After breakfast I cleaned off Flyer our Mare colt we raised. I came in and cleaned I swept first) and cleaned up a little. Miss Wood (teacher) promised to take the Juvenile. I like her. For our entertainment in Juve we are going to give Physical Culture for a part of it. My bathing suit and dress are from Charles Williams store in NY, NY.
Sunday, April 8 Easter An Easter I shall never forget, for it is during the
time U.S. declares war. Hazel had a sick headache last night. We went to church this morning (Baptist). Earl and Hazel staid to luncheon with us. We then went to Irondequoit (in auto). After which we had lunch and then went to Robb’s. We were going to Aunt Jen’s and got up to the door when we discovered they were to bed. Just then Aunt Jen appeared undressed. We scattered in all directions, but got home quick. A beautiful moon.
Monday, April 9 Tompkins had their Easter dinner at Foster’s. Aunty Eldred passed into the opal gates of Death at 3:00PM. Grace and her mother were over last night. Clarence and Roy didn’t come home last night because they had a blow-out.
Tuesday April 10 Mother went to the city at seven this morning with C.H. Pellett. We had 4 visitors in school. Elmer S., Mrs. Pruitt and Rudolph, Lizzie and Walt Albright. I went down to Earl’s to-night. We went up with the auto after mother. She brought me some roller skates so that I might come home to dinner and 2 sheets of music. We had to write a composition on Australia. Mine was the best in class. Fido is sick. (Theodore Remmelt.)
Wednesday, April 11 I tried my roller skates this morning and again tonight. It is kind of hard to learn with no one to teach you how. Elmer was at school this morning, visiting. Iva Short and Esther Dunn were there this afternoon. Papa came home. It was a lovely day. England has taken the “Hindenburg Line.” Germany’s Minister of Peace went to Russia and they wouldn’t see him. Spain is thought will become a republic. It is thought that all countries in Europe will be at war. To-day Brazil declared.