Friday, August 3 I rode down to Hazel’s because she hurt her foot in the binder. I did work and visited. We all went in swimming at 10. We went to the basin. All the boys had gone in except Herold Schoff. We went down this aft. The lade was rough. There was a lovely breeze. We relaxed and went swimming. Grace’s picture was taken with Herold Schoff. Marjory’s with Norburt Klem and mine alone by Eddie Caves. The three talked with us until nearly six and told us to bring pepsi cola and fudge tomorrow.
Saturday, August 4 I went down to Hazel’s, Elizabeth rode with me. We went swimming. I took 3 P.C and some fudge. The grange picnic was down to the lake. Marj, Grace and I went down. Grace and Midget took some cake for Norbert and Eddie. We set upon the hill and the boys ate it. I met Dicky Dodge. He is small and light. I went to the Grange and came back to the dance. Dick skipped out after everyone was asleep and came over to the hall. Papa was there.
Sunday, August 5 A fine day. Eddie came up after milk this morning. We went swimming at nine. We then came home and dressed for church. We were met at the corner by Dicky Dodge, Herold Schoff and Stanley Helmer. We walked home with them or they walked home with us. Dicky walked home with me. They all went home the aft. I miss them. Papa and I walked down to the lake. Hazel is sick. Mamma said I was fooled because they were at the pump and all over looking for me.
Monday, August 6 I didn’t get up until 8 o’clock. I made my khaki bloomers today. Earl, Hazel. Mother and I went to the city this aft. I never saw so many soldiers, and marines. While were at Henner’s Garage at 2 PM a troop of soldiers went by. When we were near Culver Rd. 5 came back. One said “hello”. ( ? ) were here from Irondequoit. It was a fine day.
Tuesday, August 7 I wore my khaki bloomers this morning and every one wanted to know if I were going riding. Grace went in swimming. I couldn’t. Helen Tompkins my cousin and Clarence Sampson will be married a week from Thursday. All of the Tompkins family went the city this morning. Mother rode up with me and I took my music lesson. The boys were examined today at Fairport. Burl Weatherbee and Henry Burnett were accepted.
Wednesday, August 8 It looked like rain all day, but the weather decided to be nice. Father went away. Mother and I went up to Webster with Frank ( ? ) to get a pole fixed. Carl Hollenback rode back with us. Nearly all of the Webster boys who were accepted at Fairport have their uniforms. Everything is high priced and scarce. George Eastman, Pres. Wilson, Henry Ford, King George, Kaiser Willhelm, Mary Pickford and Annette( ? ) are prominent.
Thursday, August 9 Women are joining the army, navy, aviation corps and Red Cross. War, war. “Germany wants peace without Victory”. In the last battle boys who were 13 years old were fighting. Democracy surely must come and we are to have a right on both the Atlantic (Germans) and the Pacific (Japanese). We have an invitation to Helen’s wedding. Also to the shower at Pellett’s which is to be held tomorrow night. I shall wear my white net dress to the wedding. I went down to Hazel’s this aft and we fixed over my white net dress. I has been just like fall.