Saturday, June 30 I worked in the garden this morning. I walked down to Hazel’s this afternoon. This evening we went up to the Chautauqua and heard the Royal Maritime Band directed by Signor Locrenja (?). If I were a flirt which I am glad I’m not I’d have a great many beaus if I would them.
Sunday, July 1 It rained this morning but was real warm and nice afternoon. I rode to church with Grace, Marjory and Roy. I read afternoon. Daisy Wright was out. Earl, Hazel, Papa and I went up to the last night of the Chautauqua this year. And saw Hettie Jane Dunway (?) in “The Lady of the Decoration. Mamma couldn’t go. She was too tired and she didn’t want us to stay at home. I am seriously anxious about her. She is always tired.
Monday, July 2 My “LaFrance” roses are in bloom or bud. I worked in the garden
This forenoon and made a bench. I read after dinner and washed my hair. (Do you know I believe it is getting a trifle bit pretty. It has gown quite a bit and is a t rifle below my waist. It is slightly inclined to wave a bit not curl. Ruth Dunn and Darlene Pierce were down here. Papa went to the city and came back with Roy. It was a fine day. The fourth is near.
Tuesday, July 3 Oh! What a fine day. We saw Robert Herman Manhatten Players in “The Man Who Own Broody” (?)
Wednesday, July 4 Oh what a fun day. Father has the cutest Percheron colt. He is black. I spent the afternoon and evening at the Dance Hall.
Thursday, July 5 I worked in garden and read. This afternoon I went to Red Cross meeting and sewed sheets and pillow cases. Marjory with me. Grace, Norma and Betty Lauer are picking strawberries.
Friday, July 6 I helped Mother. Marjorie, Myra, Mary and the ants went cross lots to Phillips Pond. Lauer’s bull was out and Myra w as afraid. Marjorie and I went in swimming on the last side. Oh!oh!oh! it was cold at first but we then we had a fine time.
Saturday, July 7 It was a fine day. I cleaned and dusted my room this morning. We went Grange to-night and heard a man lecture on Telephones and ways of sending messages years ago. Shaw’s were here.
Sunday, July 8 It rained, sorry to say. However, Mary and I went to church with Roy. We were going swimming but it was too cold. Earl started for Ontario twice, but it rained each time.
Monday, July 9 The weather was undecided this morning. Father went to Buffalo. My room is pink and silver. James Hoffman, Ronald Hoosbly, (?) George Nagel, George and Jay Smith, ( ? ) Curtis, Loys Nils (?), and Broody are camping down here. We went to see Dr. Corrigan this aft. Our black mare was sick and in the Lake. A fine day.