Sunday, August 19 Mrs. Pruitt’s sister came from the south last night. Norma and I went to church. The B.S.’s were there. Father and I went down to the lake after dinner while Mother stayed alone to rest. Lisle Pierce, Carl Hollenbeck, Evans Curtice and Deealy Shaw were in swimming besides many others. Mrs. Lauer and ( ? ) were down there with Jess and took me for a ride. We came on an accident at the corner of Woodhull.
Monday, August 20 I went up to Webster with Earl this morning. Elizabeth and I went for a ride this afternoon. We had quite a few adventures. We went through the woods and had to let our horses walk nearly the whole length of the creek near the end of which were two trees arched over the stream. A man came to help my horse back for he got one leg over and couldn’t get back. Then they got into a hole and my horse went down (Don’t tell mother) We survived.
Tuesday, August 21 The boy scouts came up for water and milk every 2 minutes. One of them looks just like Hirum Burnett. I rode down to Hazel’s bareback this morning. One of the hardest things I ever tried to do. Elizabeth Lauer and I rode up to Webster horseback this afternoon and I took my music lesson.
Wednesday, August 22 I ripped out my scarf which was half done and started over again. Norma and I went to Red Cross this afternoon. There were only 5 there. We made pillowcases. Mother, Earl and I rode up to Webster to see Dr. Hill. He wasn’t in though. We came home and Mother had a dandy surprise party for her birthday. I have planned. All the club. I am upstairs and the party is down, but they don’t miss me. Maybe I”ll go to bed.
Thursday, August 23 We went to Manito in the auto and had supper at the Odenback Hotel. It rained after supper.
Friday, August 24 I rode Ben Hur or Dick the white horse down to Earl’s this morning. Tried hard to rain but didn’t succeed. Elizabeth Lauer, Margaret Shults, Grace and I went in swimming about five o’clock. Mother has Bob, Uncle Henry, ( ? ) making up a bedroom on the porch for some girls from East Rochester. They were supposed to have a canoe but it’s rented.
Saturday, August 25 It is very cold. I rod down to Hazel’s this morning. One of the girls that are supposed to have one of our rooms came at 11:00. Grace and I were down to the lake this afternoon. So were the B.S.. They all spoke to me and Frank (oldest) tried to get us to dance with him. There were four picnics there. We went down after supper of course and danced nearly every dance. We met Willie Prentiss this afternoon. He’s Mary’s. He did not ask us to dance, of course.
Sunday, August 26 I woke up at 6:45. Grace, Norma and I went to church this morning. All the Boy Scouts were there. Grace and I went down to the lake this afternoon and watched the ball game. The boy Scouts were there. Papa went away this evening. Grace and I went down after a cone for Mother. Joe Jenkins, Clinton George and Floyd Laird came over after some pop.