Sunday, April 29 When I was at Webster last night I got weighed and I weigh 127 pounds! I saw Julia. She is going to be married to Joe next month and in June they are going to live next to Gladys Rhymer’s. I have a splendid saddle, blanket and 2 bridles. I hope and know my pony will be nice and someday, I hope to be a nice rider. My! My! Earl Jaynes and Gladys Rhymer were down this afternoon. They are engaged. It rained to night. Ma and I made out our National and Larkin orders.
Monday, April 30 It was very foggy this morning. But it was warm this afternoon. I had the best map of South America of anyone in the class. Bertha Foster was down to-night to seek the kind sympathy of my mother during her days of mourning. Every-one does. I hoed or I mean I raked around my rose bushes to-night to keep the moisture in the ground. I also made 2 winding paths. It seems as though everybody were fishing to-night. Took a bath tonight.
Tuesday, May 1 It rained this morning and to-night. School meeting to night. We went. Three little chickens My report card was given to me to-day and I received all A’s. 2 A-‘s. Average A. Charles Mottler had sen-sen drops in school today, and gave some to Irma. He always whispers to her asks her his lessons. She and Mildred always send notes to each other. They are both angrier than wet hens at me not to mention Laura and Edith. We don’t care. Why should we? Great bid girls like they are playing in play houses and trespassing on other people’s yard. Oh dear! T’is a cruel world.
Wednesday, May 2 We had physiology today. We have it on Wednesday and Friday. That and Arithmetic are my two hardest subjects and I don’t like either. Music, drawing, writing, history, English, grammar, spelling, geography, horse back riding, driving, swimming, rowing and basketball etc. are easy. Isabella Husk is married to Mr. Williams of Pennsylvania and she is only 17! It was very “cool” this morning. I don’t wear my summer dresses yet. We had a test in arithmetic this morning. It snowed and rained. I had the best composition on Mexico of anyone in class. T’is cold.
Thursday, May 3 “Greed” the firs of the Seven Deadly Sins is being shown (movies) at the Gordon Theatre and I so want to see it. Nance O’Neil stars in it. Mrs. Henry Bowman, supervisor’s wife, is very ill. We had to write two compositions in English today. I had mine best of all in class - so the teacher s aid. “Is New York in Danger?” I wonder! Of course it must be! When I am 100 years old I presume there will be stories - love stories published about this “World’s Great War”. We butchered 3 pigs. Henry Hornbeck did it for us. Letter from Miriam.
Friday, May 4 Today is Arbor Day. I am one of the captain’s of the girls that rake up the yard. We raked up the yard at school today and in the afternoon went to the woods. Edith and I were partners. We have 31 little chicks. It is very cold. Matt Henry is going to work for Daddy, dear.