Thursday, September 13 I rode Dickey, Ben Hur or what ever his name down to Betty’s. We are going to ride horse back in the horse race up to Webster. Just to fill you in between - Earl gave the direct to Mr. Lauer because Lauer let his cows out and they went in Earls yard. A fine day.
Friday, September 14 I went down early after Ben Hur this morning. There was a terribly heavy dew last night. Maybe a frost. Anyway, the sun shown bright on Nine Mile Point this morning. The lake was beautiful. Say, did you know that Lake Ontario was condemned for typhoid germs? Papa went to the city this afternoon and bought me a cowboy outfit. We had ice Cream for supper.
Saturday, September 15 Elizabeth Lauer and I rode up to Webster today. The first horse race Webster ever had. We didn’t race, of course. Who do you suppose I saw but Frank the assistant Scout master. Grace was right across the track from him and didn’t see him. We went to Grange this evening.
Sunday, September 16 Nothing doing. Nice Day. Papa and I rode horseback this afternoon. He rode the Mustang and I the through-bred high speed saddle pony as Marianne calls Ben Hur. We rode up by dick Wright’s back lot and I brought Ben Hur to a gallop. Papa says that he is a better saddle horse than the mustang because the mustang is too slow and lazy. We went down to the lake – Marj, Grace, daddy and I.
Monday, September 17 School once more. I wore my bloomers and so did ( ? ) Struck. We played ball this noon. Minnie ( ? ) looked very nice today. She was particularly neat. We are going to the show “Johnny Get Your Gun” on Friday. The club to celebrate Emma Wright, My Wright’s and Rob Woodhull’s birthdays. I am ( ? ) ( ? )
my party frock for the occasion. A fine day.
Tuesday, September 18 Miriam and Mildred Lowell have a “bran new” baby brother as the call it. He has black hair and blue eyes. ( ? ) according to Billy’s letter
She is quite proud. The freshman class had a Sausage Roast down here tonight.
Wednesday, September 19 New Scholar. Harold Sheehy .
Thursday, September 20 Nothing to tell.
Friday, September 21 We went to see :”Johnny Get Your Gun”. That’s with the club this evening. It was great.
Saturday, September 22 I have a new “studio” When I sew and do fancywork. It is in the room right next to mine. Went over to Jerry’s with Marg the afternoon. We are going to have a Halloween Party. Maybe. There was an old fashioned dance tonight at the lake. I danced with Papa, Fred smith, Teddy Wallpuski, Fred Sampson and Harold Short.