Saturday, May 5 It rained to-day. I cleaned up my room. I dusted and put the house in order this morning. Then I sewed. I rode up to Webster with Earl this morning. Seeley Nivison is married. We had a lovely supper at Grange. It was the 37th Anniversary. There were 18 Juvenile and 2 joined. The big Grange had a lovely program. I have to play in June. Edith and I saw 2 soldiers belonging to the National Guard in Webster last night. I helped set tables.
Sunday, May 6 Not getting home until 12 last night I didn’t get up until 8 this morning. I drew 2 books last night “Lavender and Old Lace” and “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”.
Papa went to Buffalo yesterday afternoon. Earl and Hazel came down about 5 and we rode to Rochester by way of Webster and back by Sea Breeze. The day was fine.
Monday, May 7 I arose at 5:25 this morning and it was a beautiful morning as was the whole day. I wore my black cotton dress to school. We played Hide and Seek this noon and I had a pleasant walk home. My things arrived from the National a kimona, shoes, sunbonnet, 2 middies, 2 princess slips, 2 skirt a bathing cap and bathing suit, bag, gloves and some toilet articles. I certainly owe everything to mother and father. Someday I hope to repay some of it. Charles dragged my garden to-day. I am glad.
Tuesday, May 8 It was a fine day. We played Hide and Seek this noon. Margaret and Mildred were absent (city). Mother went to the city and purchased her dress. It is black with large round spots in it. I got the supper to-night after feeding the chickens. The electric lights were out and fixed the lights. Rudolph Pruitt started in school this afternoon. Pellett’s have a new kind of “Auto Bi Caps”.
Wednesday, May 9 Papa has some of the cutest little 8 pigs! Quite small too. We had physiology today! I detest it. But I had it perfectly. I set out two rose bushes to-night. T’was a lovely day (before supper). Earl drove an old sow down here to-night. And Jerry came with him. He stayed until 8:30. Walter Dunn has joined the Marines or Coast Guards! The British and French are making rapid gains on the Germans. There are Americans on the French battle field.
Thursday, May 10 Speaking of War, all Germany has left is her U Boats. Menace. If our food lasts we will win. I sewed this morning until school time. Hazel came down. We’re beginning with the US in geography and having interesting arithmetic. Laura was angry at Edith, Mildred and Irma and I this noon. I was weeding the garden to-night. Earl, Hazel and father and I went down to Barnards and Palmers after supper. Mamma wouldn’t go. We bought some honey.
Friday, May 11 We had physiology to-day. I don’t like it one bit. It was very wet and humid this afternoon. I had to draw a bird today. Edith sat with me. I went over to Pellets and got some more flower seeds. Grace and her father were over. Papa is going to the city with a load if it does not rain.