Saturday, May 12 I dusted this morning. I sewed too and swept. This afternoon I worked in the garden and planted all my seeds. Wrights are out and Rogers. It was a nice day. Marjory went up to Norma’s. We are all tired. My hair is over 11 inches long. Down to my waist.
Sunday, May 13 papa and I went down to Earl’s this morning. Decker’s have moved into our “Perry” house. Roy Sampson took papa over to Shaw’s. Mamma washed windows this forenoon. Lowell’s were down to their cottage. We went for a lovely ride – Fairport, Maplewood, Rochester and Sea Breeze. I took a bath to-night. We saw a great many boys on bicycles and 4 horseback.
Monday, May 14 It was a lovely day. When I came home I planted some potatoes. I am reading “Ben Hur”. Mrs. Harmen is living with Aunt Hat. Her furniture came yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Sunday are coming to Rochester next year. Mrs. Sampson and Mary Prentice are cleaning the cottages.
Tuesday, May 15 It was lovely this morning, and all day. Mamma went after Papa, from there to Rochester. Miss Post is going to teach next year and I am sorry because she has taught too long and is getting “nervous”, Mamma says. I like her all right but her patience is getting short lived with the others. Mother purchased a hat for me, of pure white. It has a wide brim. And an auto hat which I can ride horse back and two pairs of gloves, stockings and an undershirt.
Wednesday, May 16 We have “detestable” physiology to-day – had it I mean. It looked as though it would rain, but did not. Miss Post was down to supper. I sowed radish seeds.
Thursday, May 17 Momma went to Webster twice this morning. My map of new England was the best in class, Miss Post said. The juniors from high school are going to have a supper down in our bungalow to-morrow night and they were preparing for it to-night. Walt Wright fell in. Lillian was down. She has joined the Red Cross canteen work.
Friday, May 18 It was very warm. I saw a wood thrush. Papa purchased my garden fence to-night. We went over to Sampsons and Edwin Laur and Clarence Foster came over immediately asked Papa to come home and here I am. I walked down to Hazels before supper and saw John F. Larkin, the new baby. The High School boys and girls had supper in our bungalow and Norma went.
Saturday, May 19 This morning after dusting, I cleaned the two front rooms with mother’s help. Then I took a bath (after dinner) for it was a lovely day and hot, very hot. After supper the wind blew a gale and the lightening flashed and the thunder roared. At 9:30 we went to Grange. Mother had charge of the program. Teddy and his mother sang. Aunt Jen read a poem and Charles Noble read a paper. The cherry blossoms are out.