Sunday, January 7 George Bradshaw was here this morning. We met Aline at five and Papa went to Buffalo. It was awfully cold riding home. It is freezing again. We have got a little rainwater anyway. Just think to-morrow is school again! The first time for 1917. I am already with a new ink and pencil pad, composition book and note book with some new pencils. Marjory and Norma skated on the pond to-day. Helen, Clarence and Marjorie went down to the lake this afternoon. Mamma is going to sleep with me.
Monday, January 8 School once more! Examinations are not far off. Papa is not going to keep Beauty for me, I guess. He says that she is not built for a saddle horse, for she is too heavy. He said that a saddle horse should be about 2 in. taller in front that in back. There was a total eclipse of the moon last night. I did not sleep well. It was a fine afternoon, just like one in April.
Tuesday, January 9 Edith Dunn cannot yet come to school. Marion Burnett has the mumps. Fred Struck is sick with the grippe. Irma had a dreadful sore throat today and we think she is going to have the mumps. Manna can hardly speak, she has such a cold and she is very painful all over.
Wednesday, January 10 I did not think Irma would come to school today. She did not. It stormed perfectly dreadful to day. I have decided to write a book. I am now reading “The Boys Life of Abraham Lincoln”.
Thursday, January 11 Edith came to school to-day. We received our report cards this afternoon and I got all A’s. It snowed to-day too. Earl and Charlie went way over to Perry’s Mill East Rochester.
Friday, January 12 Irma came to school to-day. Miss Post did not go home to-night. Aunt Jen Tompkins is sick and had the Doctor to-day. Mamma cannot speak aloud. Exams are the 25th and 26th.
Saturday, January 13 None of us got up until 9 o’clock this morning. I crocheted and straightened up my room this morning. I have decided to write two books, one about myself and one about Charles Pruitt. I have the names of several characters. Won’t it be funny to have an eleven year old school girl write a book? Miss Post and I went for a walk as far as Sages. My map of Europe is done. I mean the outline. It is a pretty good one. Mr. Mottle is helping Papa get ready for the ice.